Tuesday 11 September 2012


As you might imagine, Autumn in Singapore doesn't really exist. The thing I miss most about living out of the midwest are the distinct seasonal changes. We had a couple changes is Austin, maybe two, and possibly threeish in Ireland. We're down to one over here, but we can pretend. We've been going for walks at night, and the crunching of leaves makes it semi believable that it is the middle of September. Except for the little detail that the air conditioning repair men were here today, you might not notice that it's still summer.
We are enjoying the accessibility the city's public transportation provides us. We've been taking the MRT (train) around, and it's always amazing to pop out in the underground world the city has. It's fascinating how many underground layers there are. They unquestionably know how to utilize space over here, both below and above ground.

We went to the Esplanade Concert Hall the other night, and it is a beautiful space inside with great acoustics. The outside is unmistakably modeled after the durian. Speaking of the durian, we haven't eaten any of that since the first time, however we have had some tasty food. My dish to rave about this week is nasi goreng. Traditionally, an Indonesian fried rice, the version we get is made with red curry, vegetables, and chilli peppers. It is served with cucumber, and a dollop of ketchup (I think that is just this particular guy). You also get a whole fried chicken with it; it's small though! We had some lime juice to wash it down. Delicious. I love the color of the plates against the food!

Until next time, happy Autumn. Enjoy the leaves for me!